Latest blogs and articles from Earthwatch

On: 29/06/23

Green Economy or Bust

Senior Learning Manager Scott Bearman-Brown writes: We are facing unprecedented and deadly environmental challenges which are not only threats to the planet, but also pose significant risks to business and society.

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On: 29/06/23

Ssshh, we’re doing a great job… but don’t tell anyone!

Lene Bryant, Learning Manager, shares how, in reaction, market regulators across the UK, EU and individual member states have sharpened their teeth against Greenwashing.

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On: 29/06/23

Our relationship with nature: A powerful force for change

In this blog for #WorldWellbeingWeek, our Senior Learning Manager Abi Jermain explores these questions and shares how we can all make a commitment to nurture our relationship with nature.

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On: 12/04/23

For The Good Of Nature

Lene Bryant, Learning Manager, asks to what end should nature be protected - as a resource for humans, or for its own sake?

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On: 12/04/23

Davos 2023 – the good, the bad and the promising

Maria Pontes, Earthwatch's Director of Programmes and Partnerships, shares her view of the latest conversations at Davos.

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On: 12/04/23

COP27: ‘Statement of the bleeding obvious’

Our CEO, Steve Andrews, reflects on successful policies in favour of the environment and what world leaders attending COP27 can learn from them.

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